
Despre mine

Mergem dincolo de sănătatea pacienților noștri.
- Dr. Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe

Bine ați venit

Hernia de disc lombară este una din cele mai frecvente cauze ale durerii de spate. Studii recente arată că intervenția chirurgicală determină ameliorarea clinică rapidă și de durată comparativ cu tratamentul conservator.

Peste 3.000 de operatii si peste 17 ani de experienta!


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Lucrări publicate

  1. RM Ilie-Mihai, Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, RI Stefan-van Staden, A Bratei, Electroanalysis of Interleukins 1 β, 6, and 12 in Biological Samples Using a Needle Stochastic Sensor Based on Nanodiamond Paste, Electroanalysis 2021, 33:6-10; https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.202060118(IF: 3.223)
  2. Cioates Negut, Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, R. I. Stefan-van Staden, J. F. van Staden, Fast screening test for molecular recognition of levodopa and dopamine in biological samples using 3D printed stochastic microsensors, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2021, 205:114292; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2021.114292 (IF: 3.209)
  3. RM Ilie-Mihai, Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, RI Stefan-van Staden, A Bratei, Electroanalysis of Interleukins 1 β, 6, and 12 in Biological Samples Using a Needle Stochastic Sensor Based on Nanodiamond Paste, Electroanalysis 2021, 33:6-10; https://doi.org/10.1002/elan.202060118(IF: 3.223)
  4. RI Stefan-van Staden, C Cioates Negut, Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, A Ciorita, 3D stochastic microsensors for molecular recognition and determination of heregulin-α in biological samples, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2021, 413:3487-3492, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-021-03295-7 (IF:4.142)
  5. RI Stefan-van Staden, Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, RM Ilie-Mihai, M Badulescu, Disposable Stochastic Sensor Based on Deposition of a Nanolayer of Silver on Silk for Molecular Recognition of Specific Biomarkers, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168(3):037515; https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/abeea2 (IF:4.316)
  6. Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, C Cioates Negut, M Badulescu, RI Stefan-van Staden. Sensitive Detection of Heregulin-α from Biological Samples Using a Disposable Stochastic Sensor Based on Plasma Deposition of GNPs–AgPs’ Nanofilms on Silk. Life. 2021; 11(9):894. https://doi.org/10.3390/life11090894 (IF: 3.817)
  7. Sorin Sebastian Gheorghe, RM Ilie-Mihai, RI Stefan-van Staden, Determination of Dopamine in Whole Blood Samples Using A New Electrochemical Sensor Based on Graphene, UPB Sci Bull
  8. C. Cioates Negut, R. I. Stefan-van Staden, S. S. Gheorghe and M. Badulescu, Stochastic Sensors for the Molecular Recognition and Determination of Heregulin-α in Biological Samples – oral presentation (051), in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumentation Advances (SEIA’ 2021), 22-24 September 2021, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain, pp. 150-151, ISBN: 978-84-09-33525-1






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